Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product¶
The DpdNirStackedFrame data product components are created by different tasks during the execution of the NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline:
The MEF file is created by the NIR_DostackProgram task of the NIR_Stacking project
The PSF model and image are created by the NIR_PSFModelling task of the NIR_PointSpreadFunction project
The data product xml is written by the final NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline step that is NIR_CreateScientificDpds of NIR_Utilities project
Into the NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline the MEF file is used as input for the NIR_CatalogExtraction PE to create the NIR Stacked Frame Catalog containing source extracted.
The DpdNirStackedFrame is one of the output of the NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline applied to wide survey observations and in general to “scientific” pointings (i.e. Self Calibration).
It is the result of the stacking process of a set of input images, 4 in case of wide, the nominal survey strategy. It could be created also in some specific cases with more exposures. A single stacked image is provided at the end of each NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline run.
Fig. 20 : Graphical representaton of Data section structure for DpdNirStackedFrame¶
The main elements inside the Data section are:
Filter: The filter name (e.g. NIR_Y, NIR_J, NIR_H)
WCS: The description of the WCS for the image. This field mirrors values in the FITS header
ZeroPoint: The effective photometric zero point of this stack of single images
ImgSpatialFootprint: This spatial area defines the spatial footprint of the image in a series of vertex
ObservationId: Image Observation Id
TargetPointing: Coordinates of target pointing
DataStorage: FITS file name containing the Stacked image FITS file
PsfStorage: Reference to the PSF files (Model and FITS)
QualityParams (optional):Data Quality Parameters
Min: Minimum image pixel value
Max: Maximum image pixel value
Mean: Average image level (mean of all image pixel values)
Median: Median image level (median of all image pixel values)
StDev: Sample standard deviation of the image pixel values
MaskedPixelFraction: The fraction of masked pixels
The DpdNirStackedFrame data product contains the link to 3 files:
The primary layer is an header dedicated to store global infomation on pointings and parameters used by SWarp for resampling and stacking (i.e. starting from COMBINET, RESAMPT1 up to PSCALET2 in the next table) together with the inverse sensitivity value PHOTFNU needed to convert pixels in [microJy].
The scientific layer, named SCI, stores the data obtained combining togheter all images used as input to the NIR Pipeline.
The header contains some basic image definition keywords together with the GAIN and the SATURATE keywords derived by SWarp for resampling and stacking.
The Point Spread Function (PSF) is measured from the image.
It is provided into two formats: a .psf file containing model parameters and a .fits file with an instance of model.
A PSF model is extracted from the scientific image by PSFEx software.
This solution is provided both as model and as image.
The PSF model is produced as .psf file, an Astromatic format that can be directly provided to SExtractor for catalogue extraction. The model can track wavelength and focal plane position dependencies.
The PSF image is a FITS file with a primary and a single data layer containing a PSF image.
The PSF primary header contains information on Observation Id in OBS_ID.
Because of the FITS structure is in common with the one used on NIR Calibrated Frame definition some keywords are
meaning-less in case of stacked frame. As in example DITHOBS could be ignored and PSFTYPE is fixed to “Inflight”
value because the PSF is always extracted from images.
The detector header collects basic image keywords with the coordinates of PSF image center in pixel space (X_CENTR and
Y_CENTR) and the effective wavelength (EFF_WAVE).