NIR Stacked Frame Catalog

$SetSchemaPath nir/euc-nir-StackedFrameCatalog.xsd

Data product name


Data product custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product



Processing Function using the products

  • PF-NIR

Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: yes

This is one of the main PF-NIR products and it is the catalog extracted from the NIR Stacked Frame image.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

The DpdNirStackedFrameCatalog is one of the output of the NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline applied to wide survey observations and in general to “scientific” images (i.e. it could be executed also on Self Calibration images).

The catalog is extracted from NIR Stacked Frame images. A single catalog is, therefore, provided at the end of each NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline run.

The DpdNirStackedFrameCatalog data product contains the link to a FITS file.


Fig. 22 : Graphical representaton of Data section structure for DpdNirStackedFrameCatalog

The main elements inside the Data section are:

  • SpatialCoverage

  • CatalogDescription

  • SpectralCoverage

  • CatalogDescription

  • ObservationId: Observation Id of origin stacked image

  • DataStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the Stacked image FITS file

  • TargetPointing: Coordinates of target pointing

  • QualityParams (optional): Data Quality Parameters
    • ObjectCount: Number of object in the catalog

    • MagAper: Basic statistics for Magnitude APER extraction (mag)

    • MagAuto: Basic statistics for Magnitude AUTO extraction (mag)

    • MagPSF: Basic statistics for Magnitude PSF extraction (mag)

    • Bright: Basic statistics on errors for brighter sources

    • Faint: Basic statistics on errors for fainter sources

Scientific FITS File

The FITS type nir.stkCatalog has a structure aligned with the image from which the catalog is extracted and

Primary layer

The primary header of scientific catalog reflects basic information of staked image source of the catalog.

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-nir.xml nir.stkCatalog

LDAC_OBJECTS Extension header

The FITS type nir.stkCatalog contains a binary table HDU named LDAC_OBJECTS with the next columns list

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-nir.xml nir.stkCatalog