Shear PSF Level 1 Calibration Parameters

$SetSchemaPath she/euc-she-PsfLevel1CalibrationParameters.xsd

Data product name


Data product custodian


Name of the Schema file


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Data product elements


Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


  • SHE_PSFToolkit_GenerateInitialDefocusState

  • SHE_PSFToolkit_FitPDC

  • SHE_PSFToolkit_FitPDCInfocus

  • SHE_PSFToolkit_FitFieldZernikeModelState


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

PSF Level1 Calibration parameters, giving the current state of the telescope after fitting to defocused and infocus data at a particular roll angle.

Will include a set of Zernike amplitude/telescope optical layout parameters which describe wavefront propagation through the system, expected to consist of < 100 params (floats).

Detector state format TBD, will include parameters describing the brighter-fatter effect, chip-to-chip variation.

Will contain parameters describing the FOV-dependent mapping between the telescope model (optical layout) and zernike amplitudes, as a list of coefficients to a polynomial fit. TBD.

Will include catalogue of star identifier with \(\chi^2\) value per star, to satisfy R-SHE-PRD-F-100, as well as sub-pixel stellar position on the detector (2 floats), for the stellar images used in the calibration

CTI residual parameterisation TBD

Output File

The FITS output file will contain the following information:

HDU List

Primary Header

The primary head will contain the following additional information:

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters

Telescope Mode parameters

These are parameters that describe mirror movements, based on a ray tracing model.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters SheTelescopeModeParams

Zernike Mode Parameters

The Zernike mode parameters describe the wavefront errors as a set of orthoganol functions that change in radial and azimuthal degree. A subset of all possible Zernike modes are used to describe the wavefront error. The coefficients are a combination of the modes that are related to different optical effects and polynomial functions that describe the variation across the field-of-view. A combination of defocused and infocus data helps to break the degeneracy between some of the different modes.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters SheZernikeModeParams

Detector Model Parameters

TBD. These are effects due to the detector electronics, such as the brighter-fatter effect.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters SheDetectorModelParams

Spectral Throughput Parameters

A polynomial model describing the derived spectral throughput.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters ShePsfCalSpecThrough

Fisher Matrix Parameters

The Fisher matrix parameters calculated from the maximum likelihood fit of the model to the stars in these field.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters ShePsfCalFisherMatrix

Star Residual Parameters

Details of the fit for each star used: how well the PSF models each individual star.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters ShePsfCalStarResiduals

Toolkit Input Parameters

The parameters used in the configuration of the SHE_PSF_Toolkit software.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters SheToolkitInputParams

Diagnositic Parameters

The chi-squared and number of degrees of freedom of the fit.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.psfLevel1CalibrationParameters ShePsfDiagnostics