Shear Star Catalog

$SetSchemaPath she/euc-she-StarCatalog.xsd

Data product name


Data product custodian


Name of the Schema file


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Data product elements


Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

When fitting the optical PSF model, the PSF fitter also optimises for star detector position (at super-resolution and sub-pixel scale) as well as photon counts for the star. As a result, the PSF fitter can provide an update on the stellar position and counts which should be more accurate due to the improvement of the fit PSF model.

Note that inferred stellar position and counts values are maximum a-postoriori values conditioned on the best fit optical PSF model.

Uncertainties for position and counts are Hessian derived uncertainties.

This data will be stored as a fits file with multiple binary table HDUs, one for each exposure.

The values to be stored in this table are presently under consideration. We may store either X/Y or RA/DEC positions, or both, and we may find that FLUX is unnecessary.

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-she.xml she.starCatalog SheStarCatalog