Shear Validated Measurements Product

$SetSchemaPath she/euc-she-ValidatedMeasurements.xsd

Data product name


Data product custodian


Name of the Schema file


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Data product elements


Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

An XML data product containing a fits catalogue to store shear measurements, as well as other related measurements. This product will contain the following 5 catalogContainer objects, each pointing to a fits binary table:

  • BfdMoments

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-she.xml she.bfdMoments

  • KsbShearMeasurements

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-she.xml she.ksbMeasurements

  • LensMcShearMeasurements

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-she.xml she.lensMcMeasurements

  • MomentsMlShearMeasurements

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-she.xml she.momentsMlMeasurements

  • RegaussShearMeasurements

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-she.xml she.regaussMeasurements

All of these are optional, but at least one must exist. In each case, since the storage is a binary table, the table and its header will be stored in the first extension, with the primary HDU being a default, empty image. All of these catalogues will have the same format as those used by the ShearMeasurements data product, now using the “VAL_FLAGS” column in it to note the results of validation tests (flag definitions TBD).

This product is one of the final outputs of the Shear Analysis pipeline, and will be passed to the Shear Reconciliation pipeline.