Output Product: E/B Convergence Maps for a single Cluster¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product documentation:
Data Product for twoDMassConvergenceSingleCluster.
Documentation for data product element dpdTwoDMassConvergenceSingleCluster:
This product contains FITS images with convergence/SNR maps around a single massive cluster stored in a FITS file.
Documentation for data product element Header:
The generic header of the product
Documentation for data product element Data:
The data of the product
Data product elements¶
Header of type: sys:genericHeader
Data of type: wl2dmass:twoDMassConvergenceSingleCluster
QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfPlaceHolder
Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs
Detailed description of the data product¶
This output product contains in a FITS file data arrays with as HDUs the noisy/denoised E/B modes, SNR maps for a patch centered on a detected (and sufficiently massive) cluster with an associated spatial footprint (see spatialFootprint here). A ClusterID XML field as well as an optional ClusterMass field are also added to the product.
For the FITS product:
Keywords (Primary HDU)¶
Important parameters of the product are stored, such as the world coordinate system (see A&A 395, 1077-1122 (2002)):
WCSAXES = “2”: number of axes in World Coordinate System [int]
CRPIX1: pixel number of reference pixel in first dimension [double]
CRPIX2: pixel number of reference pixel in second dimension [double]
PC1_1: component (1,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC1_2: component (1,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_1: component (2,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_2: component (2,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
CDELT1: coordinate increment at reference point (1st dim) [double]
CDELT2: coordinate increment at reference point (2nd dim) [double]
CUNIT1: unit of first coordinate values (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CUNIT2: unit of second coordinate value (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CTYPE1: first parameter for reference (e.g. RA—TAN for right ascension in gnomonic projection) [string]
CTYPE2: second parameter for reference (e.g. DEC–TAN for declination in gnomonic projection) [string]
CRVAL1: first reference pixel value for CTYPE1 [double]
CRVAL2: second reference pixel value for CTYPE2 [double]
LONPOLE: native longitude of celestial pole [double]
LATPOLE: native latitude of celestial pole [double]
RADESYS: Coordinate system (e.g. ‘FK5’) [string]
EQUINOX: equinox of celestial coordinate system (e.g. 2000) [string]
DATE-OBS: start of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
DATE-END: end of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
and software parameters:
SHE_SOFT: which SHE catalogue used [StringKeyword]
SOFTNAME: software used to create the product [string]
SOFTVERS: version of software [string]
PROJ: projection used (gnomonic implemented) [string]
PWIDTH: Patch Width [double]
PIXSIZE: physical size of the pixels in the patch [double]
NITREDSH: number of iteration to compute reduced shear [int]
STDREDSH: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing performed to compute the reduced shear (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRREDSH: false discovery rate threshold used to compute the reduced shear [double]
NITINP: number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
NSCINP: number of scale for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
VARPERSC: flag specifying if equal variance in/out masked area per scale [bool]
FBMODE: flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps [bool]
ADDBORD: specify if border effect processing [bool]
DENTYPE: denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software) [string]
GAUSSSTD: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRVAL: false discovery rate threshold [double]
NRESAMPL: number of resampling for computing noise maps [int]
ZMIN: minimum redshift considered [double]
ZMAX: maximum redshift considered [double]
CL_ID: ID of the cluster considered [string]
CL_MASS: mass of the cluster [double]
ArrayHDU (optional): Noisy convergence map¶
The following keywords are specified for each hdu:
The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing the 2D noisy E/B modes.
ArrayHDU (optional): Denoised convergence map¶
The following keywords are specified for the second HDU:
The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing the 2D denoised E/B modes.
ArrayHDU (optional): Galaxy Count map¶
The following keywords are specified for each hdu:
The image contains an image with the number of galaxies per pixel in the maps (can serve to derive a noise level or to identify zones where inpainting has been performed- zone with no galaxy measured).
ArrayHDU (optional): SNR map¶
The following keywords are specified for each hdu:
The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing the 2D noisy E and B modes, the 2D denoised E and B modes if provided, and an image with the number of galaxies per pixel in the redshift bin (can serve to derive a noise level or to identify zones where inpainting has been performed - zones with no galaxy measured).