Output Product: E/B Convergence Maps for Small Field¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product documentation:
Data Product for twoDMassConvergencePatch.
Documentation for data product element dpdTwoDMassConvergencePatch:
This product contains 2D convergence maps (denoised and/or noisy), and/or SNR map for a patch.
Documentation for data product element Header:
The generic header of the product
Documentation for data product element Data:
The data of the product
Data product elements¶
Header of type: sys:genericHeader
Data of type: wl2dmass:twoDMassCollectConvergencePatch
QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfPlaceHolder
Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
2D MASS-WL, SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs
Detailed description of the data product¶
This output product contains three optional FITS structures:
a noisy convergence map as a FITS data array (one redshift bin per HDU) containing the E/B modes for a patch and all redshift bins, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords. In particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has not been denoised [NoisyConvergence xml tag]
a denoised convergence map as a FITS data array (one redshift bin per HDU) containing the denoised E/B modes for a patch and all redshift bins, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords. In particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has been denoised [DenoisedConvergence xml tag]
a “NResamples” field to specify the number of samples that were used to compute the SNR maps [int]
a SNR map as a FITS data array (one redshift bin per HDU) containing the E/B modes SNR maps for a patch and all redshift bins, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords [SNRPatch xml tag]
an associated spatial footprint (see spatialFootprint here) [cot:spatialFootprint].
Noisy or denoised convergence maps¶
This FITS file is expected to contain the following keywords in the primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product, such as the world coordinate system (see A&A 395, 1077-1122 (2002)):
WCSAXES = “2”: number of axes in World Coordinate System [int]
CRPIX1: pixel number of reference pixel in first dimension [double]
CRPIX2: pixel number of reference pixel in second dimension [double]
PC1_1: component (1,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC1_2: component (1,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_1: component (2,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_2: component (2,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
CDELT1: coordinate increment at reference point (1st dim) [double]
CDELT2: coordinate increment at reference point (2nd dim) [double]
CUNIT1: unit of first coordinate values (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CUNIT2: unit of second coordinate value (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CTYPE1: first parameter for reference (e.g. RA—TAN for right ascension in gnomonic projection) [string]
CTYPE2: second parameter for reference (e.g. DEC–TAN for declination in gnomonic projection) [string]
CRVAL1: first reference pixel value for CTYPE1 [double]
CRVAL2: second reference pixel value for CTYPE2 [double]
LONPOLE: native longitude of celestial pole [double]
LATPOLE: native latitude of celestial pole [double]
RADESYS: coordinate system (e.g. ‘FK5’) [string]
EQUINOX: equinox of celestial coordinate system (e.g. 2000) [string]
DATE-OBS: start of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
DATE-END: end of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
and software parameters:
SHE_SOFT: which SHE catalogue used [StringKeyword]
SOFTNAME: software used to create the product [string]
SOFTVERS: version of software [string]
PROJ: projection used (gnomonic implemented) [string]
PWIDTH: patch width [double]
PIXSIZE: physical size of the pixels in the patch (in arcmin) [double]
NITREDSH: number of iteration to compute reduced shear [int]
STDREDSH: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing performed to compute the reduced shear (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRREDSH: false discovery rate threshold used to compute the reduced shear [double]
NITINP: number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
NSCINP: number of scales for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
VARPERSC: flag specifying if equal variance in/out masked area per scale [bool]
FBMODE: flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps [bool]
ADDBORD: specify if border effect processing [bool]
DENTYPE: denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software) [string]
GAUSSSTD: standard deviation for Gaussian filter denoising (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRVAL: false discovery rate threshold [double]
NZBINS: number of redshift [int]
BAL_BINS: Balanced redshift bins or not [bool]
For the array in HDU (HDU= 1..N, one per redshift bin), the following keywords are specified for each hdu:
ZMIN: minimum of the redshift bin [double]
ZMAX: maximum of the redshift bin [double]
The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing 2D maps for E and B modes (noisy or denoised according to DENTYPE parameters) and an image with the number of galaxies per pixel in the redshift bin (can serve to derive a noise level or to identify zones with no galaxy measured where inpainting has been performed).
SNR maps¶
This FITS array is expected to contain the following keywords in the primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product, such as the world coordinate system:
WCSAXES = “2”: number of axes in World Coordinate System [int]
CRPIX1: pixel number of reference pixel in first dimension [double]
CRPIX2: pixel number of reference pixel in second dimension [double]
PC1_1: component (1,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC1_2: component (1,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_1: component (2,1) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
PC2_2: component (2,2) of the coordinate transformation matrix [double]
CDELT1: coordinate increment at reference point (1st dim) [double]
CDELT2: coordinate increment at reference point (2nd dim) [double]
CUNIT1: unit of first coordinate values (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CUNIT2: unit of second coordinate value (CRVAL, CDX_X) [string]
CTYPE1: first parameter for reference (e.g. RA—TAN for right ascension in gnomonic projection) [string]
CTYPE2: second parameter for reference (e.g. DEC–TAN for declination in gnomonic projection) [string]
CRVAL1: first reference pixel value for CTYPE1 [double]
CRVAL2: second reference pixel value for CTYPE2 [double]
LONPOLE: native longitude of celestial pole [double]
LATPOLE: native latitude of celestial pole [double]
DATE-OBS: start of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
DATE-END: end of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]
RADESYS: Coordinate system (e.g. ‘FK5’) [string]
EQUINOX: equinox of celestial coordinate system (e.g. 2000) [string]
and software parameters:
SOFTNAME: software used to create the product [string]
SOFTVERS: version of software [string]
PROJ: projection used [string]
PWIDTH: Patch Width [double]
PIXSIZE: physical size of the pixels in the patch [double]
NITREDSH: number of iteration to compute reduced shear [int]
STDREDSH: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing performed to compute the reduced shear (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRREDSH: false discovery rate threshold used to compute the reduced shear [double]
NITINP: number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
NSCINP: number of scale for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]
VARPERSC: flag specifying if equal variance in/out masked area per scale [bool]
FBMODE: flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps [bool]
ADDBORD: specify if border effect processing [bool]
DENTYPE: denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, name of third party software) [string]
GAUSSSTD: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]
FDRVAL: false discovery rate threshold [double]
NZBINS: number of redshift bins [int]
BAL_BINS: Balanced redshift bins or not [bool]
and resampling parameters:
NRESAMPL: number of resampling of input dictionary [int]
For the array in HDU (HDU= 1..N, one per redshift bin), the following keywords are specified for each hdu:
ZMIN: minimum of the redshift bin [double]
ZMAX: maximum of the redshift bin [double]
The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing the 2D SNR images for E and B convergence, and an image with the number of galaxies per pixel.