Input Product: MultiPatch-Based E/B Convergence Maps Parameters

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Name of the Schema file


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Data product documentation:

Data Product for twoDMassParams2DConvergencePatchesToSphere.

Documentation for data product element dpdTwoDMassParamsConvergencePatchesToSphere:

This product contains inputs to compute the 2D convergence “full-sky” maps based on multiple projection on patches.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product

Documentation for data product element Data:

The data of the product

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: wl2dmass:twoDMassParamsConvergencePatchesToSphere

QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfPlaceHolder

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

To compute the E/B “full-sky” convergence maps using projection on a automatically defined multiple patches, the following set of parameters is needed:

  • how to handle reduced shear:

    • NItReducedShear: the number of iterations used to compute the reduced shear [int]

    • denoising parameters for reduced shear:

      • RSThreshold: Threshold to perform hard-thresholding in the reduced shear iteration

      • GaussSTD: the standard deviation for the Gaussian filter [double]

      • ThresholdFDR: the False Discovery Rate (FDR) threshold if applied [optional, double]

  • denoising parameters for final map: if Gaussian smoothing is performed, the value of the

    • DenoisingAlgo: Name of denoising algo [string], currently only implemented: “GaussFilter”

    • GaussSTD: the standard deviation for the Gaussian filter [double]

    • ThresholdFDR: the False Discovery Rate (FDR) threshold if applied [optional, double]

  • NResamples: the number of resampling that needs to be performed for Noise/SNR maps [int]

  • how to handle the projection,

    • Project: what type of projection [stc:projection]

    • PatchWidth: size of the patches [double]

    • PixelSize: size of the pixel in the patches [double]

    • Nside: HEALPix nside of the final map [int]

    • Overlap: fraction of the patches overlapping [double]

  • how to handle redshift:

    • ZMin: min redshifts for the patches considered [double]

    • ZMax: max redshifts for the patches considered [double]

    • Nbins: the number of redshift bins [int]

    • BalancedBins: if bins are balanced or not (in terms of number of galaxies) [bool]

  • how to handle gaps in data:

    • NInpaint: number of inpainting iterations [int]

    • EqualVarPerScale: , if a constraint is applied to have equal variance in/out of the masked area per wavelet scale [bool]

    • ForceBMode: Flag to force B Modes to 0 in the gaps [bool]

    • NInpScale: number of wavelet scales for inpainting [int]

    • AddBorder: if an extra border is taken into account [bool]