Output Product: Peak Catalog

Data product name


Data product custodian


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Data product documentation:

Data Product for twoDMassPeakCatalog.

Documentation for data product element dpdTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere:

This product contains the peak catalogue either based on a shear catalogue using mass aperture or convergence maps using wavelets.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product

Documentation for data product element Data:

The data of the product

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: wl2dmass:twoDMassPeakCatalog

QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfPlaceHolder

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product

SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs

Detailed description of the data product

This output product is composed of a FITS peak catalogue, and a description of the envelope of the sky area a with polygons (see spatialFootprint here).

Keywords (Primary HDU)

The primary HDU is expected to contain the following keywords, characterizing the important parameters characterizing the input product:

  1. RADESYS: Coordinate system (e.g. ‘JK5’) [string]

  2. EQUINOX: equinox of celestial coordinate system (e.g. 2000) [string]

  3. DATE-OBS: start of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]

  4. DATE-END: end of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [string]

    and basic software parameters:

  5. SHE_SOFT: which SHE catalogue used [StringKeyword]

  6. SOFTNAME: software used to create the product [string]

  7. SOFTVERS: version of software [string]

  8. PROJ: projection used [string]

  9. PWIDTH: Patch Width [double]

  10. PIXSIZE: Pixel Size in patches [double]

  11. OVERLAP: fraction of patch overlap [double]

  12. NPATCHES: number of patches used for the decomposition [int]

  13. NITREDSH: number of iteration to compute reduced shear [int]

  14. STDREDSH: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing performed to compute the reduced shear (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]

  15. FDRREDSH: false discovery rate threshold used to compute the reduced shear [double]

  16. NITINP: number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]

  17. NSCINP: number of scale for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int]

  18. VARPERSC: flag specifying if equal variance in/out masked area per scale [bool]

  19. FBMODE: flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps [bool]

  20. ADDBORD: specify if border effect processing [bool]

  21. DENTYPE: denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, None, name of third party software) [string]

  22. GAUSSSTD: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double]

  23. FDRVAL: false discovery rate threshold [double]

  24. PIXSIZE: physical size of the pixels in the patch [double]

  25. ZMIN: min redshift considered [double]

  26. ZMAX: max redshift considered [double]

  27. NZBINS: number of redshift bins [int]

  28. BAL_BINS: Balanced redshift bins or not [bool]

  29. MCSEED: Noise MC seed (None if no MC realisation) [starting]

  30. MCREAL: number associated to the MC realisation of the convergence map (None if no MC realisation) [int]

  31. NRESAMPL: number of resampling of input catalogue [int]

  32. ESTIMATR: either “APERTURE_MASS” if aperture mass, or “WAVELET” if based on wavelet decomposition on \kappa [string]

  33. MINPKTHR: threshold for SNR min [double]

Peak Catalog (First Extension, Binary Table)


The catalogue should contain the following columns:

  1. RA_OBJ: right ascension of the peak [D, float64]

  2. DEC_OBJ: declination of the peak [D, float64]

  3. ZMIN: minimum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected [E, float32]

  4. ZMAX: maximum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected [E, float32]

  5. THETA: scale where peak has been detected [E, float32]

  6. SNR: SNR associated to the peak [E, float32]