Input Product: Parameters for Tomographic Angular 2PCF

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Data model tag

Trunk, commit 18691

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Data product documentation:

Data Product for twoPCFWLParamsPosPos2D.

Documentation for data product element dpdTwoPCFWLParamsPosPos2D:

Input parameters to compute tomographic angular 2PCF.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product

Documentation for data product element Data:

The data of the product

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: wl2pcf:twoPCFWLParamsPosPos2D

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

To compute the tomographic angular 2-PCF TwoPCFWLPosPos2D, the following set of parameters is needed:

  • IOCoordUnit: units of the input/output data:

    • SCoordInput: coordinate unit for input catalogues [string among “arcsec”, “arcmin”, “deg”, “rad”]

    • SCoordOutput: coordinate unit for output 2PCF [string among “arcsec”, “arcmin”, “deg”, “rad”]

  • Coordinates: System of coordinates for 2PCF distance computation [string among “SPHERICAL”, “CARTESIAN”]

  • MergMultiples: Merging of objects (multiple at same position) [bool]

  • RedshiftBinList: defining the redshift binning for tomography

    • Nbins: Number of redshift bins to consider [long]

    • RedshiftBin: list (max 100 elements) of redshift bin, or if single, minimal and maximal redshift range to be splitted [list]

      • Zmin: min redshift in the bin [double]

      • Zmax: max redshift in the bin [double]

  • BinningParams: defining the spatial binning:

    • ThMin: min angular separation (units specified by SCoordOutput) [double]

    • ThMax: max angular separation (units specified by SCoordOutput) [double]

    • Nbins: number of angular bins [double]

    • BinType: whether logarithmic or linear angular binning [string among “Lin”, “Log”]

  • OpenAngle: open angle threshold [double]

  • WeightScales: Flag to compute the weighted center of the bin [bool]

  • SplitParams: spatial splitting strategy:

    • NRa: Number of splitting in right ascension [long]

    • NDec: Number of splitting in declination [long]

    • SplitAlgo: algorithm/strategy used for splitting [string]

  • RebinParams: redefining the number of angular bins

    • TwoPcfTRebin: multiple of the number of bins (NTH) for rebinning the angular bin of the output cosmic shear correlation product

    • SpectraRebin: multiple of the number of bins (NTH) for rebinning the angular bin before the extraction of the band power spectrum

  • EstimatorWTheta: estimator (“Landy-Szalay”, “Hamilton”) or correlation (Data-Data, Data-Random, Random-Random) to report [string among “DD”, “DR”, “RR”, “Landy-Szalay”,”Hamilton”].

This is described in the following XSD types.