PHZ PF output catalog product

$SetSchemaPath phz/euc-test-phz-PhzPfOutputCatalog.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Data Product Elements


Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element dpdPhzPfOutputCatalog:

This product contains the PHZ PF output catalog. This consists of four different files, one containing the photometric redshift related columns, one containing the classification columns, one containing the physical parameters columns and one containing the star SED templates.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product.

Detailed Description of the Data Product

The information carried by this product are splitted in four FITS files: - Photo Z catalog - Classification catalog - Star SED catalog - Galaxy SED catalog - Physical parameters catalog

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

  • This product is created by the PHZ Catalog Merger processing element of the

PHZ PF, which merges the outputs of the following PHZ PF processing elements: NNPZ (PHZ PDF and SED information), PDF Statistics (statistical information of the PDF) and Classification (Classification information).

Processing function using the data product

  • PHZ PF output product to be used by LE3 PF.

They are described in details bellow:

Photo Z catalog

This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the photometric redshift and its PDF, as it is computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.photoZCatalog version 0.3 description, which defines the following columns:

  1. OBJECT_ID: Unique ID of the object in the survey, as set by MER

  2. PHZ_PDF: A vector containing the PHZ PDF values, for Z in range [0,6] with 0.01 step

  3. PHZ_MEDIAN: The median of the PHZ PDF

  4. PHZ_70_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 70% of the probability

  5. PHZ_90_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 90% of the probability

  6. PHZ_95_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 95% of the probability

  7. PHZ_MODE_1: The first mode of the PHZ PDF

  8. PHZ_MODE_1_AREA: The total area of the first mode

  9. PHZ_MODE_2: The second mode of the PHZ PDF

  10. PHZ_MODE_2_AREA: The total area of the second mode

  11. PHZ_FLAGS: A 64 bit integer containing the flags of the PHZ processing. Bitwise meaning: I => not classified as galaxy, I0 => MAG > 24.5, I00 => SNR < 10, I000 => NNPZ flag: no close neighbor

  12. BIAS_ID: The identifier to be used for retrieving the bias correction shift from the bias correction map

  13. TOM_BIN_ID: The identifier of the Tomographic bin the object is atributed to.

Physical parameters catalog

This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the physical parameters and their PDFs, as they are computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the forma described by the phz.physicalParametersCatalog version 0.3 description, which defines the following columns:

  1. OBJECT_ID: Unique ID of the object in the survey, as set by MER

  2. PHYS_PARAM_FLAGS: A 64 bit integer containing the flags of the physical parameters processing (TBD)

  3. PHZ_PDF_NN_ID: A vector containing the neighbor id

  4. PHZ_PDF_NN_WEIGHT: A vector containing the neighbor weight

  5. PHZ_PDF_NN_SCALE: A vector containing the neighbor scale

  6. QUALITY_FLAG: Quality flag

  7. GALAXY_CLASS: Galaxy Class

  8. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_Z: Point-estimate: Redshift median

  9. PHZ_PP_MODE_Z: Point-estimate: mode of the Redshift

  10. PHZ_PP_68_Z: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of PDF

  11. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_LOG_STELLARMASS: median LOG Stellar Mass

  12. PHZ_PP_MODE_LOG_STELLARMASS:mode of the LOG Stellar Mass

  13. PHZ_PP_68_LOG_STELLARMASS: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of LOG Stellar Mass

  14. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_SFR: median SFR

  15. PHZ_PP_MODE_SFR:mode of the SFR

  16. PHZ_PP_68_SFR: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of SFR



  19. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_STELLAR_AGE: median stellar age

  20. PHZ_PP_MODE_STELLAR_AGE:mode of the stellar age

  21. PHZ_PP_68_STELLAR_AGE: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of stellar age

  22. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_A_V: median A nu

  23. PHZ_PP_MODE_A_V: mode of the A nu

  24. PHZ_PP_68_A_V: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of A nu

  25. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_DUST_LAW_SLOPE: median Dust Law Slope

  26. PHZ_PP_MODE_DUST_LAW_SLOPE: mode of the Dust Law Slope

  27. PHZ_PP_68_DUST_LAW_SLOPE: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Dust Law Slope

  28. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_DUST_LAW_WIDTH: median Dust Law Bump Width

  29. PHZ_PP_MODE_DUST_LAW_WIDTH:mode of the Dust Law Bump Width

  30. PHZ_PP_68_DUST_LAW_WIDTH: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Dust Law Bump Width

  31. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_DUST_LAW_HEIGHT: median Dust Law Bump Height

  32. PHZ_PP_MODE_DUST_LAW_HEIGHT:mode of the Dust Law Bump Height

  33. PHZ_PP_68_DUST_LAW_HEIGHT: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Dust Law Bump Height

  34. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_STELLAR_MET: median Stellar Metallicity

  35. PHZ_PP_MODE_STELLAR_MET: mode of the Stellar Metallicity

  36. PHZ_PP_68_STELLAR_MET: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Stellar Metallicity

  37. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_GAS_MET: median Gas Metallicity

  38. PHZ_PP_MODE_GAS_MET: mode of the Gas Metallicity

  39. PHZ_PP_68_GAS_MET: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Gas Metallicity

  40. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_FUV: median Absolute Magnitude FUV

  41. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_FUV: mode of the Absolute Magnitude FUV

  42. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_FUV: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude FUV

  43. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_NUV: median Absolute Magnitude NUV

  44. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_NUV: mode of the Absolute Magnitude NUV

  45. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_NUV: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude NUV

  46. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_U_JKC: median Absolute Magnitude U_JKC

  47. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_U_JKC:mode of the Absolute Magnitude U_JKC

  48. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_U_JKC: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude U_JKC

  49. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_B_JKC: median Absolute Magnitude B_JKC

  50. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_B_JKC:mode of the Absolute Magnitude B_JKC

  51. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_B_JKC: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude B_JKC

  52. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_V_JKC: median Absolute Magnitude V_JKC

  53. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_V_JKC: mode of the Absolute Magnitude V_JKC

  54. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_V_JKC: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude V_JKC

  55. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_R: median Absolute Magnitude r

  56. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_R:mode of the Absolute Magnitude r

  57. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_R: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude r

  58. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_VIS_EUCLID: median Absolute Magnitude VIS Euclid

  59. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_VIS_EUCLID: mode of the Absolute Magnitude VIS Euclid

  60. PHZ_PP_58_MAGABS_VIS_EUCLID: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude VIS Euclid

  61. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_I_JKC: median Absolute Magnitude I_JKC

  62. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_I_JKC: mode of the Absolute Magnitude I_JKC

  63. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_I_JKC: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude I_JKC

  64. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_Z: median Absolute Magnitude z

  65. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_Z: mode of the Absolute Magnitude z

  66. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_Z: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude z

  67. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_Y_EUCLID: median Absolute Magnitude Y_EUCLID

  68. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_Y_EUCLID:mode of the Absolute Magnitude Y_EUCLID

  69. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_Y_EUCLID: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude Y_EUCLID

  70. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_J_EUCLID: median Absolute Magnitude J_EUCLID

  71. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_J_EUCLID:mode of the Absolute Magnitude J_EUCLID

  72. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_J_EUCLID: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude J_EUCLID

  73. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_H_EUCLID: median Absolute Magnitude H_EUCLID

  74. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_H_EUCLID:mode of the Absolute Magnitude H_EUCLID

  75. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_H_EUCLID: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude H_EUCLID

  76. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_MAGABS_Ks: median Absolute Magnitude Ks

  77. PHZ_PP_MODE_MAGABS_Ks: mode of the Absolute Magnitude Ks

  78. PHZ_PP_68_MAGABS_Ks: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of Absolute Magnitude Ks

  79. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_AGN_LUMFRAC: median AGN luminosity fraction-

  80. PHZ_PP_MODE_AGN_LUMFRAC:mode of the AGN luminosity fraction-

  81. PHZ_PP_68_AGN_LUMFRAC: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of AGN luminosity fraction-

  82. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_AGN_EBV: median AGN_Reddening

  83. PHZ_PP_MODE_AGN_EBV:mode of the AGN_Reddening

  84. PHZ_PP_68_AGN_EBV: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of AGN_Reddening

  85. PHZ_PP_MEDIAN_AGN_LBOL: median AGN bolometric luminosity

  86. PHZ_PP_MODE_AGN_LBOL:mode of the AGN bolometric luminosity

  87. PHZ_PP_68_AGN_LBOL: vector containing the lower and upper bound for the 68% of AGN bolometric luminosity

Star SED catalog

This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the spectral energy distributions for objects identified as stars. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.sedCatalog version 0.3 description, which defines the following columns:

  1. OBJECT_ID: Unique ID of the object in the survey, as set by MER

  2. FLUX_IA427: Flux for the intermediate band IA427

  3. ERR_IA427: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA427

  4. FLUX_IA464: Flux for the intermediate band IA464

  5. ERR_IA464: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA464

  6. FLUX_IA484: Flux for the intermediate band IA484

  7. ERR_IA484: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA484

  8. FLUX_IA505: Flux for the intermediate band IA505

  9. ERR_IA505: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA505

  10. FLUX_IA527: Flux for the intermediate band IA527

  11. ERR_IA527: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA527

  12. FLUX_IA574: Flux for the intermediate band IA574

  13. ERR_IA574: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA574

  14. FLUX_IA624: Flux for the intermediate band IA624

  15. ERR_IA624: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA624

  16. FLUX_IA679: Flux for the intermediate band IA679

  17. ERR_IA679: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA679

  18. FLUX_IA709: Flux for the intermediate band IA709

  19. ERR_IA709: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA709

  20. FLUX_IA738: Flux for the intermediate band IA738

  21. ERR_IA738: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA738

  22. FLUX_IA767: Flux for the intermediate band IA767

  23. ERR_IA767: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA767

  24. FLUX_IA827: Flux for the intermediate band IA827

  25. ERR_IA827: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA827

  26. PHZ_FLAGS: A 64 bit integer containing the flags (TBD)

Galaxy SED catalog

This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the spectral energy distributions for objects identified as galaxy. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.sedCatalog version 0.3 description, which defines the following columns:

  1. OBJECT_ID: Unique ID of the object in the survey, as set by MER

  2. FLUX_IA427: Flux for the intermediate band IA427

  3. ERR_IA427: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA427

  4. FLUX_IA464: Flux for the intermediate band IA464

  5. ERR_IA464: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA464

  6. FLUX_IA484: Flux for the intermediate band IA484

  7. ERR_IA484: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA484

  8. FLUX_IA505: Flux for the intermediate band IA505

  9. ERR_IA505: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA505

  10. FLUX_IA527: Flux for the intermediate band IA527

  11. ERR_IA527: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA527

  12. FLUX_IA574: Flux for the intermediate band IA574

  13. ERR_IA574: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA574

  14. FLUX_IA624: Flux for the intermediate band IA624

  15. ERR_IA624: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA624

  16. FLUX_IA679: Flux for the intermediate band IA679

  17. ERR_IA679: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA679

  18. FLUX_IA709: Flux for the intermediate band IA709

  19. ERR_IA709: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA709

  20. FLUX_IA738: Flux for the intermediate band IA738

  21. ERR_IA738: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA738

  22. FLUX_IA767: Flux for the intermediate band IA767

  23. ERR_IA767: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA767

  24. FLUX_IA827: Flux for the intermediate band IA827

  25. ERR_IA827: Error Flux for the intermediate band IA827

  26. PHZ_FLAGS: A 64 bit integer containing the flags (TBD)

Classification catalog

This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the the probability for objects to be a star/galaxy/QSO. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.classificationCatalog version 0.1 description, which defines the following columns:

  1. OBJECT_ID: Unique ID of the object in the survey, as set by MER

  2. PHZ_STAR_PROB: the probability of the object to be a star

  3. PHZ_GAL_PROB: the probability of the object to be a galaxy

  4. PHZ_QSO_PROB: the probability of the object to be a quasar

  5. PHZ_CLASSIFICATION: Classification attributed by PHZ PF