Clusters Subsample Output Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

This output data product contains a susbsample of the detected clusters, selected according to different parameters

Data product elements


type sys:genericHeader


type cl:selClustersSample


type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product

SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs

Detailed description of the data product

This output data product contains a susbsample of the detected clusters and their characteristics, selected according to a range of parameters. This SEL-CL data product is therefore similar to the detclClustersCat output from PF CAT-CL (and from “Clusters charaterization pipeline”), the main differences being a lower number of line entries due to:

  • the selection in richness, redshift and/or SNR

  • the selection on DET_CODE (AMICO or PZWav) or on CROSS_ID_CLUSTER


Keywords duplicated from the detclPZWavClusters or detclAMICOClusters input file, plus the following keywords: .. #. SNR_KEY: Name of the SNR column used for the subsample

  1. Z_KEY: Name of the redshift column used for the subsample selection

  2. RICHNESS_KEY: Name of the richness column used for the subsample selection

  3. SNR_LOW: Lower cut on SNR

  4. Z_LOW: Lower cut on redshift

  5. Z_HIGH: Higher cut on redshift

  6. RICHNESS_LOW: Lower cut on redshift

  7. RICHNESS_HIGH: Higher cut on redshift

  8. DET_CODE: Reference to the code used for the detection (1=AMICO, 2=PZWav, None=both) To be implemented

  9. HAS_CROSS_ID_CLUSTER: Flag on the CROSS_ID_CLUSTER field : 0=select NaN (i.e. no cross-reference), 1=select entries with cross-reference, None =not a criteria To be implemented


Same columns as in the detclPZWavClusters or detclAMICOClusters input file.