MER Photometry Cookbook¶
The MER Pipeline performs four kinds of photometric measurements:
Aperture photometry, using A-PHOT (Merlin et al. 2019);
Template-fitting photometry, using T-PHOT (Merlin et al. 2015, 2016);
Model-fitting photometry, using SourceXtractor++ and a Sersic model applied to all photometric bands (Kuemmel et al. 2022);
PSF fitting photometry in the VIS band.
Sources are detected in the VIS detection mosaic
and in a NIR-stack detection mosaic (the VIS
detection has the priority). The VIS_DET
column in the
MER final catalog provides the information about the
provenance of each source.
The scope of this cookbook is to give the user a quick overview on how to use the photometric information stored in the MER final catalog.
Main information from the MER final catalog¶
The MER final catalog provides the following information:
: flux measured within a Kron aperture in the detection mosaic (VIS mosaic or NIR-stack mosaic, as indicated by theVIS_DET
flag). It corresponds to the good oldFLUX_AUTO
: flux within the segmented pixels of a source (FLUX_ISO
in SExtractor).FLUX_<band>_nFWHM_APER
: these are fluxes measured in fixed circular apertures on images PSF-matched to the one with the worst resolution (typically EXT u). The apertures have a diameter of n FWHM of the worst band PSF, with n=1,2,3,4, and they are computed individually source by source (because the PSF varies across the FoV). TheFWHM
column lists the value in arcseconds used for each source.FLUX_<band>_TEMPLFIT
: fluxes from template-fitting run on the given band.FLUX_VIS_TO_<band>_TEMPLFIT
: fluxes from template-fitting run on the VIS image smoothed to the resolution of the given band. This is only useful to compute colors from template-fitting.FLUX_<band>_SERSIC
: fluxes from model-fitting (single Sersic models) obtained using SourceXtractor++.FLUX_VIS_PSF
: fluxes from PSF-fitting on VIS only.
For all these flux estimates, the corresponding uncertainties are given in the
columns named FLUXERR_*
. All fluxes in the
MER final catalog are in \({\mu}Jy\).
Photometry flags¶
The reference photometic measurement is given by the FLUX_DETECTION_TOTAL
column. It contains the flux measured within a Kron aperture in the
detection mosaic. To assess the reliability of
, we provide a binary flag, DET_QUALITY_FLAG
, that
encodes the following information:
Bit set |
Integer |
Descriptiom |
1 |
1 |
Source contaminated by close neighbors or has bad pixels |
2 |
2 |
Source blended with another one (must comply with |
3 |
4 |
Source saturated |
4 |
8 |
Source close to a border |
8 |
128 |
Source within the VIS bright star mask |
9 |
256 |
Source within the NIR bright star mask |
10 |
512 |
Source within an extended object area |
11 |
1024 |
Source skipped by the deblending algorithm due to large pixel size |
contains more information than the single-band
flags, FLAG_<band>
that only use bits from 1 to 4:
Bit set |
Integer |
Descriptiom |
1 |
1 |
Source contaminated by closer neighbors or has bad pixels |
2 |
2 |
Source blended with another one (must comply with |
3 |
4 |
Source saturated |
4 |
8 |
Source close to a border |
How to get the photometry you need?¶
Colors can be obtained in three ways:
Using aperture photometry: e.g.
(1)¶\[\textrm{H} - \textrm{g} = -2.5 \times \log_{10}\left(\frac{\textrm{FLUX_H_nFWHM_APER}}{\textrm{FLUX_g_nFWHM_APER}}\right)\]This is a color obtained with fixed apertures on PSF-matched images.
Using template fitting, with VIS only: e.g.
(2)¶\[\textrm{H} - \textrm{VIS} = -2.5 \times \log_{10}\left(\frac{\textrm{FLUX_H_TEMPLFIT}}{\textrm{FLUX_VIS_TO_H_TEMPLFIT}}\right)\]This is a color obtained with VIS smoothed to the relevant band.
Using model fitting: e.g.
(3)¶\[\textrm{g} - \textrm{J} = -2.5 \times \log_{10}\left(\frac{\textrm{FLUX_g_SERSIC}}{\textrm{FLUX_J_SERSIC}}\right)\]This is a color between two total fluxes estimated via model fitting.
Total fluxes¶
In the detection band, FLUX_DETECTION_TOTAL
is the best estimate of the
total flux of the source. This is the VIS Kron flux for the VIS detected
sources, i.e. VIS_DET
= 1 and a (non-physical) NIR-stack flux
for NIR detected sources.
In all other bands, there is the possibility is to scale the detection flux with a color term:
Using aperture photometry: total fluxes are obtained by scaling
with the aperture color between the relevant band and the detection band (both PSF-matched to the worst resolution); e.g.(4)¶\[F_{\textrm{H, tot}} = \textrm{FLUX_DETECTION_TOTAL} \times \frac{\textrm{FLUX_H_nFWHM_APER}}{\textrm{FLUX_VIS_nFWHM_APER}}\]if the source is detected in VIS (i.e. has
= 1), and(5)¶\[F_{\textrm{H, tot}} = \textrm{FLUX_DETECTION_TOTAL} \times \frac{\textrm{FLUX_H_nFWHM_APER}}{\textrm{FLUX_NIR_STACK_nFWHM_APER}}\]if the source is detected in the NIR-stack (i.e. has
= 0).Using template fitting: by color-correcting the detection flux. In this case the relevant column is
(because here VIS is smoothed to the relevant band); e.g.(6)¶\[F_{\textrm{H, tot}} = \textrm{FLUX_DETECTION_TOTAL} \times \frac{\textrm{FLUX_H_TEMPLFIT}}{\textrm{FLUX_VIS_TO_H_TEMPLFIT}}\]
Alternatively, FLUX_<band>_TEMPLFIT
can be taken directly as a total flux,
especially for EXT bands.
Finally, also FLUX_<band>_SERSIC
columns provide total flux estimates from
the model fitting.
As fluxes are in \({\mu}Jy\), the Zero Point to get AB magnitudes out of (above) fluxes is ZP = 23.9 in all bands: